2 years warranty.
90 day warranty.
5 years warranty (See section 1.h).
Warranty starts from date of invoice.
The below document outlines Ayrton’s warranty and service repair procedure.
All product bought for the purposes of holding stock will automatically benefit from 30 months of warranty instead of the usual 24 months warranty. This new extension will better ensure that our customers are able to benefit from the full 24 months warranty while not disadvantaging our distribution partners performing a vital part of our strategy.
In order to avail yourself of this additional 6 months warranty, when requesting a warranty repair for a fixture falling under this category, provide Ayrton Service with the delivery note or invoice from Distributor to End Customer showing the date of sale.
a. Ayrton only warrants its products against defects in material or workmanship.
b. Product which is under warranty and is faulty out of the box or within 100 hours of use (as defined on the fixture’s Total Life Hours counter) can be advanced replaced for a new fixture or spare parts can be sent out, depending on the customer’s preference.
i. The customer should call or email Ayrton with the following information:
1. Contact name and details.
2. Product serial number.
3. Date of purchase.
4. Vendor name.
5. Description of fault.
6. Shipping address.
7. Preference for replacement or repair.
ii. Ayrton will provide the customer with a Return Material Authorisation number which should be placed clearly on the package which is returned.
c. Product which is under warranty and is faulty after 100 hours of use (as defined on the fixture’s Total Life Hours counter) will have advanced replacement spare parts sent out.
i. The customer should call or email Ayrton with the following information:
1. Contact name and details.
2. Product serial number.
3. Date of purchase.
4. Vendor name.
5. Description of fault.
6. Shipping address.
ii. Ayrton will provide the customer with a Return Material Authorisation number which should be placed clearly on the package which is returned.
d. Ayrton will provide economy shipping, one way, for all warranty related items.
e. Although all warranty parts are free of charge, Ayrton will issue an invoice for advanced replacement fixtures or parts and a credit will be applied to the account when the faulty unit (fixture or part) is received back at Ayrton. Occasionally and at Ayrton’s sole discretion, Ayrton may waive the requirement to return the faulty part or fixture.
f. At any time, the customer is able to return a fixture, under warranty, to Ayrton, for repair. This repair will be carried out free of charge and Ayrton will pay economy shipping one way. All additional charges, such as import duties, should they be payable, will be the customer’s responsibility.
i. The customer should call or email Ayrton with the following information:
1. Contact name and details.
2. Product serial number.
3. Date of purchase.
4. Vendor name.
5. Description of fault.
ii. Ayrton will then provide the customer with a Return Material Authorisation number which should be placed clearly on the package which is returned. This will allow us to track the incoming repair and deal with it appropriately.
g. Warranty Period for repair of fixtures under warranty.
i. All repairs made to fixtures under warranty will fall under the fixture’s original warranty period or benefit from a 90 day warranty period, whichever is more beneficial to the customer.
ii. An exception to this rule is for White Light Engines which will benefit from a 2 year warranty period, starting from date of repair.
h. LED Engine warranty covers physical failure of the LED engine itself. It does not extend to:
i. Any electronic circuits driving, controlling or monitoring the LED engine.
ii. To the maintenance of lumen (l70) levels or colour stability.
iii. To units deployed in applications where they are in continuous use of more than 14 hours per day.
iv. To units deployed in areas where the ambient temperature falls outside the stated temperature operating ranges for said unit.
v. To units which have had engines replaced by anyone other than an Ayrton certified/ trained technician.
vi. To units deployed in permanent outdoor installations.
vii. To units used contrary to the instructions to be found in the manual.
viii. Applies to units sold after September 1, 2023
i. Warranty Exclusions.
i. Damage caused by the sun, not limited to lens and cover damage. In daylight circumstances Ayrton lights must always be pointed away from the sun. Internal damage may occur even when the lens of the fixture is at an angle offset to the sun. It is best practice to point the fixture lens to a position opposite the sun.
ii. Damage caused by other fixtures (including lasers) when said external light source is directed into the lens of the fixture.
iii. Damage caused by storing fixtures when wet or dirty.
iv. Damage caused by using abrasive cleaning agents on covers.
v. Damage by improper use and improper or incorrect installation.
vi. Damage caused by neglect or abuse. This includes accidental dropping, penetration of water, incorrect mounting or exposure to excessive temperatures or humidity.
vii. Damage due to wear and tear sustained during normal use.
viii. Using the fixture contrary to the instructions provided in the user manual.
a. Product which is no longer under warranty can have spare parts purchased from Ayrton or your Distributor.
b. Customers are also able to send product in to Ayrton for repair.
i. The customer should call or email Ayrton with the following information:
1. Contact name and details.
2. Product serial number.
3. Date of purchase.
4. Vendor name.
5. Description of fault.
6. Instruction on whether or not the customer would like a repair estimate (25 Euros exc. VAT) prior to the start of the repair.
ii. Ayrton will then provide the customer with a Return Material Authorisation number which should be placed clearly on the package which is returned. This will allow us to track the incoming repair and deal with it appropriately.
iii. Ayrton charges 70 Euros an hour (exc. VAT) for repair work excluding parts.
c. Ayrton does not cover freight costs for non-warranty repairs or parts shipments. These are solely the responsibility of the customer.
d. Warranty Period for repair of fixtures not under warranty.
i. All repairs made to fixtures not under warranty will benefit from a 90 day warranty period, from date of repair.
ii. An exception to this rule is for White Light Engines which will benefit from a 2 year warranty period, starting from date of repair.